Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, July 7, 2008

So Many Questions

I really can't remember a time in my life when I've had so much to be happy about, but can't seem to get out of a personal slump enough to realize it. Fifteen weeks ago I found out I was pregnant, had the job of my dreams and couldn't be happier with my home life. Then out of nowhere (well, with about two weeks notice that this could happen) I was for the first time in my life, laid off. I've never been without a job and never ever has an outcome like this happened with no regard to my work ethic or job performance but merely because I was the new kid on the block. Well, six weeks later and about a hundred resumes later, I'm still at home praying something will come through quickly because this cute belly that I should be so excited about, is really starting to give away my condition and I know that no matter what is said, that is a huge barrier to getting a new job. Over the past month or so, I've heard lots of lessons from our preacher and in church class about why these types of things happen to good people and why it always seems that those that don't deserve the best, receive it. Now, I don't have a deep answer for this, but I've always thought in my own mind that maybe it's because God knows we can handle these situations because we have Him to lean on and because we "can do all things through Him who gives us strength." And I still believe that. But I'm struggling with this one. In what should be the happiest time in our lives, Kyle and I are trying to figure out our next moves should be and how we can prepare for not one, but two new lives being added to our world. I hate that this is such a downer to read, this was just for me. To maybe, once and for all, get this out for the last time and move on. Thank you for obliging the rant and there won't be another...I hope! On a much better note, in about two weeks we'll know what color to paint the nursery! We can't wait and there will definitely be a post to share the good news!


CorriR said...

Kerrie - Don't feel bad or apologize for sharing your feelings! I think everyone can understand where you are coming from! We are all here to support you - let me know if you need anything!!

JKMeeks said...

This is what is great about blogging- dont ever apologize for sharing. Jeremy and I went through the same thing at the beginning of my pregnancy this time. I know it sounds cliche but it will be taken care of- you and Kyle and those precious babies will be taken care of. We love you guys! Let us know if you need anything.

Lauren said...

As my great grandmother, grandmother, mother (and now I) say...this too shall pass. Love you - hang in there!